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Thursday, November 8, 2007

today in history


we live in a slightly mad world

Nov 7 1783

A man convicted of forgery is the last public hanging at London's Tyburn site, ending a gallows tradition begun in 1196.

Nov 7 1872

The cargo ship Mary Celeste sails from New York, never reaching Genoa. Four weeks later it is found completely abandoned, whereabouts of the ten man crew unknown. The ship's cargo was alcohol, so you decide.

Nov 7 1918

A ship from New Zealand brings the 1918 influenza epidemic to Western Samoa, killing 7542 -- about twenty percent of the population by the end of the year. Perhaps 20,000,000 people are killed from the epidemic globally, including half a million Americans.

Nov 7 1965

The Pillsbury Doughboy makes its first appearance. It (we refer to the creature as "it"; marketing may call it a Doughboy but there is no evidence of genitals) has had a long and uneventful career, but the puffy pastry is now in serious trouble as he recently shit a croissant in front of god and everybody.

Nov 7 1983

A bomb explodes inside the US Capitol building. The structure was damaged but there were no deaths or injuries.

Nov 7 1991

Magic Johnson announces that he is an AIDS victim. Perhaps the basketball player's condition has something to do with his sleeping promiscuously with thousands of women.

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